Monday 22 July 2013


Hi!  Bobby Deep here again.  I want to discuss self-esteem today because it's an interesting topic and i know its a problem for many people, myself included.  

I believe that although self-worth and self-esteem are mutually dependant,  they are quite different things.  As I explained very briefly in my previous post, self worth should be a given; something unearned, and the right of all Humans.  By virtue of simply existing, you have value, and that means you can think, feel and experience. It's the law.  You have the right to be!  And let no one convince you otherwise!

Self-esteem emanates from self-worth.  Once you realise you have incalculable and unearned value, it is possible to make an impact on the world; to do something with your being; to change the world around you.  In short, to work at something.

One of the great poets of the last century, Kalhil Gibran, wrote, "Work is love made visible."  I love that sentiment. I believe that self esteem comes from a realised sense of worth that then becomes expressed in some form of doing.  While self-worth is about valuing your own being and existence, self-esteem is about valuing your doing.  

Some people struggle to find their power in doing and life does them.  They struggle to know what they should do with their lives, and become stuck and bored.  Consequently, they become frustrated and miserable, because they don't know how to express their lives in something meaningful.

If this is you, then I advise you to ponder on the concept of value.  Here are some questions to ask yourself:  

What do I like?  What do I value? What values do I believe in?  If you believe in the value of say truth, or justice or even fun, then how are these values translated into principles in your life?  A value is an ideal which is unending and perfect.  But how could that value be made operational into something tangible by you.  

Take the value of beauty.  If beauty is something you value, then how can you bring beauty to the world?  Perhaps you could learn art and draw or paint; or you could start gardening; or write poetry; or sculpt; or knit; or take up beauty therapy; or just go for a walk in nature and take photographs to share.  Knowing what you value and like; knowing what you feel and think about your existence, will help you know how to be in the world.  

When you have done something that expresses what you like and value, you will experience self-esteem.  I think Kalhil Gibran was right, but I also think work is truth made visible, beauty made visible, justice made visible, fun made visible.  Can you think of any other values I have left out?  And if you can, what principles can you enact to bring this value directly and tangibly into your life? I would love to read your ideas!  

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